Carrie is the clinical director at Teen Therapy OC, a group therapy practice based in Mission Viejo, CA. While she has an extensive history of working with teens and their parents, Carrie has found her specialty to be working specifically with young adults, high achievers, perfectionists and people-pleasers of all ages.
Carrie loves helping clients find the peace and fulfillment that can be so elusive in our Orange County culture. As a lifelong Orange County resident, Carrie understands the pressures and stresses that get in the way of good mental health. Carrie loves working with clients to find the balance, peace and fulfillment they are looking for in their lives. She loves journeying alongside those people who so often are the ones helping others, but for one reason or another, need a little help themselves.
Carrie is a Christian who grew up in the Church and is actively serving in her local church. She finds faith to be a fabulous resource for strength and healing, but also knows that the church has been a place of hurt for many and is sensitive to that reality. She is happy to utilize the client’s faith as a part of therapy, but does NOT impose her own beliefs on any client who is not interested.
Carrie is also a proud super nerd who loves neuroscience. She enjoys helping clients understand the mechanisms of their brain that influence their behaviors, thoughts and emotions. Much like her faith, she will also not impose her nerdy love of neuroscience on any client that isn’t interested!
Carrie believes that every client is uniquely different, even if their issues appear to be similar. She understands that one size does NOT fit all, and she likes to customize therapy to each individual. Carrie is a skilled, active listener, who seeks to understand her clients’ emotional experiences, but also provides thoughtful reflection and feedback.
Carrie enjoys meeting with Orange County clients in person at her office in Mission Viejo, but also loves seeing all of her California telehealth clients from the Bay Area all the way down to San Diego!